HRM System

CS3043: Database Systems Project

Collaborated on a cutting-edge group project, CS3043: Database Systems, to conceptualize and create a hypothetical Human Resource Management system tailored for Jupiter Apparels, an imaginary multinational corporation. With a focus on enhancing operational efficiency, the system targeted the simplification of HR processes compared to the existing SAP ERP solution. The initial phase encompassed a Personal Information Management (PIM) module, encompassing extensive employee data, organizational hierarchy, customizable attributes, and supervisor relationships. An integrated Absence module facilitated leave management, offering dynamic leave types and adjustable leave counts. The system provided diverse reports like departmental employee listings, leave summaries, and customizable field-based analytics.

Precise role-based authorization ensured controlled access across the platform. The project initiated with a meticulous database design and progressed to a Proof of Concept (PoC) implementation, prioritizing core functionalities over UI/UX aspects. Leveraged cutting-edge technologies, including React and Material UI for the front-end, and Node.js and Express for the back-end, while utilizing MySQL as the database, thereby ensuring seamless data management and efficient HR processes. This endeavor demonstrated the potential for expanding into broader organizational functions in the future.

Other Contributors

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    MIM Mushraf

    Computer Science and Engineering , Undergraduate

    LinkedIN Profile

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    Dan Niles

    Computer Science and Engineering , Undergraduate

    LinkedIN Profile

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    Korbinarth Amirthaligam

    Computer Science and Engineering , Undergraduate

    LinkedIN Profile

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    Rajeevan Yojarajah

    Computer Science and Engineering , Undergraduate

    LinkedIN Profile

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